Post Graduated Studies

After my titulation i will like to do a posttitle in imageology, in the medical college in the universidad de Chile, so i can increase my field of work, as well as to establish more precise diagnostics and evidence to be able to one day publish what has been discovered. I would like to travel to another country to continue to specialize in the paleopathology field, and be able to study either tuberculosis in pre-Hispanic populations or neoplasms. I would also like to study forensic anthropology, specialize in identification, so I am not yet very clear on what to specialize in, but I do know that it is between these two fields. From what I have found out with my professors these areas are very related, since identification can be useful in archaeological contexts, as well as the study of diseases can help in forensic contexts.

Among the countries I would like to travel to for a specialization are: Mexico which has a graduate program in anthropology, this has several lines of research , among which is biological osteology. This line feeds on the knowledge of the biological variation of our species, emphasizes the value of the study of human evolution to enrich the interpretation of human history.

In addition to obtaining a doctorate in biological anthropology in Europe, in order to continue to make progress in the field of work. To finally concentrate on the study of the Chilean population.

Antropologia Bariloche: Leer a Pucciarelli: "Contribución al ...


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