English Language Challenge

I always liked learning English, I found it interesting to learn another language. In the basic I consider that I had good teachers of English (they were all women). However, when I moved to the middle school this changed, since they reduced our English time to only 45 minutes a week, plus my teacher went out with prenatal and we were constantly changing substitute teachers, this extended into the cuarto medio, so I feel like my English base was lost a lot.

However, I always practiced trying to watch movies in English, with subtitles to try to understand and without subtitles to be able to somehow "train my ear". I was also recommended to watch series in Spanish with English subtitles, so that was my way of practicing.

When I began to study anthropology I realized that English was fundamental, because the professors gave us texts to read in English, and when we had to do work most of the academic texts or articles published were in English, and now that I am in third year with more reason, it is very rare the text that is in Spanish, almost all the bibliography that the professors have uploaded is in English.

What I find most difficult in English is the pronunciation, I feel that the words do not come out, or that my tongue gets tangled, so I do not understand certain words or do not know how to pronounce them. I also have a hard time writing, I get confused with verb conjugation, and I feel that I lack vocabulary. What I find easier is to read and listen in English.

Programa de Inglés Intensivo – UVES


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