Personal opinions

Personally i like to respect the people´s opinions, as long as they don't attack other people or beliefs. I believe that the discussion of topics about which we do not know much or about which we disagree, enriches us and motivates us to learn more about that topic.

I think that when the opinions support beliefs that attack to another, like homofobia, transfobia, misogyny, etc, or lack of respect for other religious beliefs based in the freedom of opinión should not be tolerated in a society so diverse.

Today there are several issues that are in constant debate, which are often heated, such as racism (recently with the Black lives matter movement), feminism (the fight against patriarchy and justice for femicide), discrimination against the LGBTIQ+ community. Personally in these topics I am very intransigent with people who support discrimination in any form.

The opinons that affect me personally are those against my family, or my Friends, or the ones where I'm criticized as a mom. Also those that make me my family and friends, although I understand their intentions, hurt me since they are people I love and care about.

There are opinions in general in the media or in society that affect me, such as those that support gender stereotypes, or those that "motivate" me to comply with an ideal beauty pattern. Concepts like fat-phobia, should start to change as it affects many, as most do not comply with these absurd patterns and psychologically damage those who try to fit in.

Take care of yourselves

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