Changes to my study programme

I started studying anthropology in 2018, in this year the new curriculum had been implemented. When i decided to study this career, I had seen the old curriculum on the university website, so I was surprised that when I entered we were informed that we were the "guinea pigs" of this new curriculum, which was based on the new skills that should be available for the work field.

This new curriculum contemplated a basic cycle where we would study the basic notions of anthropology, concepts such as society, individual, the formation of contemporary and Chilean society, among others. There were also workshops, where we would review brushstrokes of the different specializations (physical, social and archaeology). In the first of these workshops we saw the "work of the anthropologist", where different exponents spoke to us about the variety of the work field for the anthropologist, however, in my opinion there were few talks on physical anthropology, which was the one in which I was most interested.

In the second semester of the second year I already saw branches related to the specialization I was interested in, which as I mentioned is physical anthropology, so I took both electives that were related to this branch, plus one of archeology.

Now that we are in the third year, I had a lot of expectations regarding the different branches, which because of the pandemic could not be fulfilled. However, I hope for the academic and professional good that at least the practical and field workshops can be recovered, since I find that the theoretical alone is not enough.



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