Post 2: My Opinions

  • What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?

I think that is very useful for the people who suffer a painful disease, and the only way for calm this pain is this plant. I have know many people who smoke marijuana for a medical treatment, and they have not had any adverse effect

In addtion is a natural product, and is more healthy than the alcohol and cigarette.

  • What is your opinion about soap operas on Chilean TV?
I desagree with the transmition of this class of program especially the foreign, because i think that it could get better for ours culture, we occupied this means in a better way. For example transmit a culture programs, or opinions programs, or an animals programs, or even political programs, made the television a means for keeping informed the people, to enrich the people and the same time distract the people, not something without content like soap operas, and if we can not erradicate, minimum who are nationals.

  • Who is your opinion about smart phones?
I think that the smart phones helping us to be more conected with our family and friends and even with the people to the other parts of the world, because in the smart phones people can unload a social networks, who made the long distance more shorter.

Although have a negative things, like the adiction to the smart phones, that is in my opinion a seriopus problem, because the people in someway is separate to the reality and forget how talk with the new people face to face.

  • What is your opinion about women in the military?
I completely agree with that, because i think the women have the same ability that the men, and that is a  evidence, is a  sexist though that the women can not make the militar service, because appear delicate or incompetent for that clase of work.

  • What is your opinion about Chileans politicians?
I desagree in the way they manage the country, because i think that they could made a better job, they have the power to chance the country, and  improve it, they have the power to give a better life to the people, and give them a quality education, but they prefer the money more than anything and political like that not used for run a country.

Resultado de imagen para politicosResultado de imagen para politicos


  1. Cotee I think the same about legalizing marijuana , because it is a natural plant and helps to relax or calm the pain even for a person with cancer

  2. Hi! I completely agree with you about women in the military because I think the woman are so powerfull, organized and clean and that its perfect from the military
    Bye! Love you


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