My Autobiography

I was born in 1995 in Santiago, i am only child, but i have a cousin that i consider my sister. I was in 3 different schools, the first one was a college called Santa Monica, when my mom was my teacher in kindergarden, the second one was Silvioa Salas and the last was Santa Familia

Actually i am studing veterinarian medicine in Universidad de Chile, and i love it

I have 2 little dogs called Bonnie and Charlotte. The first one, my Bonnie, i got when she was 27 days old, and the second, my Charlotte i adopted from my university when she was 3 months old. I have a cuy too, but she died.

I always live with my mom, my dad left when i was 5 years old

I love dance and sing, and go to the south and just enjoy a walk. I love beingwith my family.


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