
English Language Challenge

I always liked learning English, I found it interesting to learn another language. In the basic I consider that I had good teachers of English (they were all women). However, when I moved to the middle school this changed, since they reduced our English time to only 45 minutes a week, plus my teacher went out with prenatal and we were constantly changing substitute teachers, this extended into the cuarto medio, so I feel like my English base was lost a lot. However, I always practiced trying to watch movies in English, with subtitles to try to understand and without subtitles to be able to somehow "train my ear". I was also recommended to watch series in Spanish with English subtitles, so that was my way of practicing. When I began to study anthropology I realized that English was fundamental, because the professors gave us texts to read in English, and when we had to do work most of the academic texts or articles published were in English, and now that I am in third year

Changes to my study programme

I started studying anthropology in 2018, in this year the new curriculum had been implemented. When i decided to study this career, I had seen the old curriculum on the university website, so I was surprised that when I entered we were informed that we were the "guinea pigs" of this new curriculum, which was based on the new skills that should be available for the work field. This new curriculum contemplated a basic cycle where we would study the basic notions of anthropology, concepts such as society, individual, the formation of contemporary and Chilean society, among others. There were also workshops, where we would review brushstrokes of the different specializations (physical, social and archaeology). In the first of these workshops we saw the "work of the anthropologist", where different exponents spoke to us about the variety of the work field for the anthropologist, however, in my opinion there were few talks on physical anthropology, which was the one in

Personal opinions

Personally i like to respect the people´s opinions, as long as they don't attack other people or beliefs. I believe that the discussion of topics about which we do not know much or about which we disagree, enriches us and motivates us to learn more about that topic. I think that when the opinions support beliefs that attack to another, like homofobia, transfobia, misogyny, etc, or lack of respect for other religious beliefs based in the freedom of opinión should not be tolerated in a society so diverse. Today there are several issues that are in constant debate, which are often heated, such as racism (recently with the Black lives matter movement), feminism (the fight against patriarchy and justice for femicide), discrimination against the LGBTIQ+ community. Personally in these topics I am very intransigent with people who support discrimination in any form. The opinons that affect me personally are those against my family, or my Friends, or the ones where I'm criticized

My life as a student/mother

In 2016 I became pregnant, at that time I was studying veterinary medicine, besides I discovered that it was not my vocation so in January 2017 I left. On April 17, 2017, my son Agustin was born. Despite the fact that he was born with certain respiratory complications, he was able to recover well and not have any sequelae. During 2017 I stayed at home to take care of Agustin, since he was too young for me to resume studies immediately, besides which I did not know what career to study. Finally, I found out about the anthropology curriculum at the University of Chile. In 2018 I entered to study anthropology, this was difficult because besides being my first year in a new career, it was the first year of the Agustin's garden. The first weeks were the most difficult, since it was very difficult for him to adapt, and he began to get sick very often, so it was very difficult for me to go to classes continuously. However, with the support of my mother and my partner it began to be

Post Graduated Studies

After my titulation i will like to do a posttitle in imageology, in the medical college in the universidad de Chile, so i can increase my field of work, as well as to establish more precise diagnostics and evidence to be able to one day publish what has been discovered. I would like to travel to another country to continue to specialize in the paleopathology field, and be able to study either tuberculosis in pre-Hispanic populations or neoplasms. I would also like to study forensic anthropology, specialize in identification, so I am not yet very clear on what to specialize in, but I do know that it is between these two fields. From what I have found out with my professors these areas are very related, since identification can be useful in archaeological contexts, as well as the study of diseases can help in forensic contexts. Among the countries I would like to travel to for a specialization are: Mexico which has a graduate program in anthropology, this has several lines of researc

Anything is possible when you have inner peace. -Master Shifu

I saw a video on Youtube that spoke about the meditation and its benefits. It stated that by doing this activity not only the physical part is enriched, but also mental and spiritual, for this many cultures practiced it for many years. The video show the scientific perpective of meditation and how its affects our body. In the brain the activity in the regions related to anxiety, depression and pain tolerance is increased. Besides the shape and size of the brain changes as we perform a prolonged meditation, and áreas linked with learning, memory processing and emotion regulation are better developed. As well as bringing many benefits to the brain, it does so in health, as people who meditate have a stronger immune system, and a greater amount of antibodies. And can prevent disease like diabetes, cancer and cardiovasclar disease. Also in a personal way, it has been proven that the people who practice the meditation is more emphatic that they who doesn´t. As described, meditation