Anything is possible when you have inner peace. -Master Shifu

I saw a video on Youtube that spoke about the meditation and its benefits. It stated that by doing this activity not only the physical part is enriched, but also mental and spiritual, for this many cultures practiced it for many years.

The video show the scientific perpective of meditation and how its affects our body. In the brain the activity in the regions related to anxiety, depression and pain tolerance is increased. Besides the shape and size of the brain changes as we perform a prolonged meditation, and áreas linked with learning, memory processing and emotion regulation are better developed.

As well as bringing many benefits to the brain, it does so in health, as people who meditate have a stronger immune system, and a greater amount of antibodies. And can prevent disease like diabetes, cancer and cardiovasclar disease.

Also in a personal way, it has been proven that the people who practice the meditation is more emphatic that they who doesn´t.

As described, meditation has many benefits, personally i have never practiced it, because I find it difficult to make the time, even though I have read about it. Currently, in the situation of the pandemic of COVID-19, i have less time, my days are divided between my son (he is 3 years old), the online class, the homework, cooking, university Jobs, and a long list of etcétera. So my days are very busy wich sometimes caused me a lot of stress and frustration, but you have to keep going and stay strong, maybe the meditation can calm all of this.

My english class are sometimes a break between all the subjects, but still a responsability, although the task are fun.

Kung Fu Panda: How to evolve a trilogy | Kung fu panda, Kung fu, Funny


  1. Hey hey :) I think the same as you about the benefits and the empathic part that meditation has in the lifes of people who practice that.
    I like to thing that this will get better soon and you will have more time for yourself.
    Regards :)

  2. Hello! I think so too :). I hope the English class gets a little lighter


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