Post 4: My favorite gadget

 Hi everyone today i talk about my favorite gadget, i think that my life would'n be the same without my computer, i got it 2 years ago and still work like new. I do all in it, like study or play or have fun, or read. also download movies, or music, or see series.

I use my computer everyday, a few hours, but the weekend i use too many hours, i like my computer because is small and comfortable for the transport and specially for long travels. I have an adiction, i know but, i think in this days is totally necesary have a computer, for work or university or college, everything need a computer.

My life without my computer will be more boring, or complicated, i think i will feel "disconnect", but also will be more healthy and i would'n hurt my eyes.

But in conclution i love my computer, because it have a specially mean for me.



  1. Coteeee I also like the computer... they resolve our life. I love watch movies on it in my bed

  2. We have the same favorite gadget, I think that is very cool watch series.

  3. the computer is the best electronic gadget

  4. the computer is the best electronic gadget


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