Activity 1: National Geographic

Hi everyone today i will talk about pictures, that i choose of National Geographic web site.

1.-Tarantula: this spiders are amazing, although thay have a bad reputation, this animals are misunderstood, hardly ever bite the humans, they preffer be alone in the darkness of its cave, only the female have company when gives birth to its rear. the majority of this animals are in Australia, but still lack know so much, not even have a cientific call many of them. But with the pets shop have destroy entire comunity.

2.- polar bear: I choose this photo, because sign a bear, an animal that we considered dangerous, with its family, the polar bear take care of its rare the first two years of life aprox. The mother are so loving with her cubs. While she suckle her sons, she is hibernate.

After the sons live its mother they can stay together, hunt together and take care for each other.

3.- Aurora borealis: This amazing pictures show the aurora borealis, is an atmospheric phenomenon, that consist in the appearance of colors in the sky, of diferent tonality. This is made by solar radiation, and can see in the night of polar region.

  • have been observe aurora borealiss in others planet like jupiter


Ichoose this video, because show a little part of all the wild life, with its amazing animals, in the first part shows the artic, and then the african savannah, with lions and cheetahs. Its a really really amazing video, i invite you to see it

This video shows the aurora borealis, and how beauty is, i hope see it sometime in my life, i think that must be more beautifulñ than pictures or videos. Well enjoy it


  1. Hi cote! I love the video that shows the planet, and the other that talks about the aurora borealis, it's found so interesting. I really don't know a lot of this phenomenon.
    And talking about the photos, I don't like the spiders jajajaja

  2. Hi Maria , the spiders are awesome especially the Tarantulas , they are very misunderstood :c a lot of people hate the spiders >:c , I think that they are cutes:B,Bye

  3. Hello! I like you choose, because I like this animals and the landscape is very beautiful I love the aurora borealis maybe some day we saw one! Now the videos I like both but the second video maybe is the most beautiful thing I saw!

  4. Hi Maria Jose, I like polar bears and grizzly bears but do you know about the grizzly-polar bear? Is amazing!


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