
Mostrando las entradas de septiembre, 2015

Post 3: France

Hi everyone! today i will write about a country i want to visit. The country i want to visit is France, because since i was a little girl i dreamed with visit it, i think is a romantic place especially Paris, is full of culture, like Eiffel tower, or Louvre museum, or vow of triunf. If i go there some day, the first thing i will do is to go to the Eiffel tower, and climb to the top and enjoy  ( in my personal opinion) the must beautiful view in the world. Also i would like to visit all tha casttle in this country. Iwould like to lear french, i thnk is a beatiful language, but a litlle difficult.. Also i would like to eat a many many cheese, and cakes, and taste the ratatouille Iwould like to live in there, i think that i would never get boring, and i will really really happy in there, and work in my own veterinary clinic,  Well i really really hope that some day i can go to France, because is the big of my dreams.                                

Post 2: My Opinions

What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana? I think that is very useful for the people who suffer a painful disease, and the only way for calm this pain is this plant. I have know many people who smoke marijuana for a medical treatment, and they have not had any adverse effect In addtion is a natural product, and is more healthy than the alcohol and cigarette. What is your opinion about soap operas on Chilean TV? I desagree with the transmition of this class of program especially the foreign, because i think that it could get better for ours culture, we occupied this means in a better way. For example transmit a culture programs, or opinions programs, or an animals programs, or even political programs, made the television a means for keeping informed the people, to enrich the people and the same time distract the people, not something without content like soap operas, and if we can not erradicate, minimum who are nationals. Who is you

My Autobiography

I was born in 1995 in Santiago, i am only child, but i have a cousin that i consider my sister. I was in 3 different schools, the first one was a college called Santa Monica, when my mom was my teacher in kindergarden, the second one was Silvioa Salas and the last was Santa Familia Actually i am studing veterinarian medicine in Universidad de Chile, and i love it I have 2 little dogs called Bonnie and Charlotte. The first one, my Bonnie, i got when she was 27 days old, and the second, my Charlotte i adopted from my university when she was 3 months old. I have a cuy too, but she died. I always live with my mom, my dad left when i was 5 years old I love dance and sing, and go to the south and just enjoy a walk. I love beingwith my family.